Sunday, July 10, 2011


2. Reminiscing

Raindrops burst into glass fragments as they hit the shining roads. The rain was quick to come. I ran across wet streets and zebra crossings tinged red and green as I attempted to shelter myself with the palm of my hand.

A bell jingled; it was a bell sounded so frequently that heads did not even turn to catch a glimpse of my entrance. My hair was drizzled, and I walked with my arms interlocked trying to eliminate the numbness that the cold weather had brought. However, the aroma of freshly grounded beans instantly gave me warmth.

It wasn’t long until my eyes were drawn to a group laughing in the corner of the room. Their faces were familiar. In fact, they were regulars; not only were they here often, but I was certain that they were the same faces as those in the photos hanging on the walls of the coffee shop. They were joyful. They were smiling. The corners of my mouth lifted and I found myself smiling too.

“A large white chocolate mocha to-go, please,” I said, rolling the request off my tongue almost routinely.
I went to my purse. There was no loose change. I glanced around for a moment deciding what to do.

“That comes to $4.50, thank-you.”

“Oh, yes. Err…” I was about to cancel my order, but an unexpected hand passed in front of me. I looked up and gasped.

“It’s my shout. Here’s $4.50 Mr. Kim” The boy grinned at me and handed the money to the barista.

He was tall and quite handsome. His face was familiar. Yes. He was definitely one of those who featured in the promotional photos. And indeed, he had been sitting joking and chatting comically in the corner when I arrived. But why did he pay for
my coffee?

I looked up at him and my cheeks turned pink. I knew I should have politely declined his offer with embarrassment, but somehow, I knew I had already lost.

“…Thankyou” I said giggling bashfully.

“Hehe, I’m Taeoh. You looked a bit stuck, so I hope you didn’t mind me helping you.”

“No…No, not at all! I was just shocked... Your face is familiar to me.”

“Keke, it is? I guess you saw me before now, then. Come have a seat with us.”

He ordered a coke, then I followed him over to the table with my mocha to-go.

1 comment:

  1. Bashful Maddii~ Kekeke~ But omg. Your descriptions are so good. How long did it take you to write this? ^^ You should be a writer when you grow up~ Keke~ I was wondering if he could've been Kash, but then I saw Taeoh, aha~
